
Searching for nearby points of interest

You can set a destination by searching for nearby points of interest by category.

  1. Perform any of the following methods:
    • •  On the Home screen, press Map .
    • •  On the control panel, press the [SEARCH] button.
  2. On the Search screen, press Nearby POIs.
    • Alternatively, press Nearby Info. Nearby POIs from the Map screen.
  3. On the Nearby POIs screen, select the category from the list.
  4. Select a desired destination from the list.
    1. You can rearrange the search results.
    2. The Map screen displays the locations of parking garages/lots as icons.
    3. You can display the results of POI search around the desired location.
  5. Check the location of the destination on the Map screen, press Route.
    • To change the type of surrounding POIs on the map, move to the Map screen and then press Nearby Info. Show POI Icons on Map.
    • To search by manual input during guidance, on the Map screen, press Nearby Info. Nearby POIs.
  6. Select the desired route from the search results and press Start Guidance.