Driver assistance
- Press [Driver assistance] on the vehicle settings screen.
- Press the desired item.
SCC (Smart Cruise Control)
You can set whether to use the detailed settings of the smart cruise control system.
- [Link to drive mode]: Acceleration and response speed of the SCC system based on the current drive mode.
- [Based on driving style]: Acceleration and response speed of the SCC system based on the collected driving style data.
- [View driving style analysis]: The system's analysis of the driving style based on the collected data. These values can be changed manually.
Driving Convenience
You can set whether to use the detailed settings of the driving assistance system.
- [HDA (Motorway Driving Assist)]: Assistance for driving on motorways according to the set speed while keeping the vehicle centred in the lane.
- [Lane change assist (motorway)]: Assistance for lane changing on motorways. The vehicle changes the lane automatically when the driver activates the turn indicator.
- [Motorway Auto Speed Change]: Automatic speed adjustment on motorways based on navigation data.
Speed Limit
You can set the properties of speed limit system.
- [Speed limit assist]: Adjustment of the vehicle speed to the current speed limit of the road.
- [Speed limit warning]: Display of the current speed limit of the road.
- [Off]: Disable the speed limit function.
Warning Timing
The timing of the warning to the driver. Select [Normal]/[Later].
Warning Volume
The warning sound volume of the driver assistance systems. Select [High]/[Medium]/[Low].
Haptic Warning
The intensity of the steering wheel vibration warning. Select [Strong]/[Medium]/[Light]/[Off].
DAW (Driver Attention Warning)
You can set whether to use the detailed settings of the driver attention warning system.
- [Leading vehicle departure alert]: Notification of the driver, when the leading vehicle is driving away.
- [Forward attention warning]: A warning is provided when the driver's gaze does not focus on the road.
- [Swaying warning]: Warning of driver inattentiveness and recommendation of a rest if needed.
Forward Safety
You can set whether to use the detailed settings of the forward safety system.
- [Forward cross-traffic safety]: Assistance and warning when risk of forward cross-traffic collision is detected.
- [Active assist]: Provision of a warning and vehicle control when a risk of forward collision is detected.
- [Warning only]: Provision of a warning when a risk of forward collision is detected.
- [Off]: No forward safety functions.
Lane Safety
You can set whether to use the detailed settings of the lane safety system.
- [Assist]: Automatic adjustment of the steering wheel to keep the vehicle centred in the lane.
- [Warning only]: Warning when the vehicle leaves the lane without operating the turn indicator.
- [Off]: No lane safety functions.
Blind-Spot Safety
You can set whether to use the detailed settings of the blind-spot safety system.
- [Blind-Spot View (If equipped)]: Displays the blind-spot view in the cluster when changing lanes using the turn signal.
- [SEA (Safe Exit Assist)]: Warning and disabling of door unlock on detection of traffic in the blind spot.
- [SEW (Safe Exit Warning)]: Warning on detection of traffic in the blind spot.
Parking Safety
You can set whether to use the detailed settings of the parking safety system.
- [Camera settings]: Moves to the camera settings screen.
- [Surround view monitor auto On (If equipped)]: Automatically activates surround view monitor when parking distance warning is active.
- [Auto PDW (Parking Distance Warning)]: Automatic activation of PDW (Parking Distance Warning) at low speeds.
- [Active rear assist]: Provision of a warning and vehicle control when a risk of collision is detected while reversing.
- [Rear warning only]: Warning on detection of a risk of collision while reversing.
- [Off]: No parking safety functions.
- [Rear cross-traffic safety]: Provision of a warning when a risk of rear cross-traffic collision is detected while reversing.